The Miracles of Science and Technology


Smartphone microscope and tablet-controlled robots were displayed at Kölcsey Centre.

The Faculty of Science and Technology organized a series of lectures, which presented the faculty and its partners, like National Instruments, TEVA and Richter Gedeon pharmaceutical companies.  Among the topics of the lectures were the special properties of algae, the ‘sex life’ of plants and mysteries of mathematics as well.

Beside these presentations there were some other interesting programs too. At the desk of the Department of Hydrobiology  students could examine water samples by microscope, while the Department of Geography and Geoinformatics show them how to use the laser measuring station and leveling machine.

The event was aimed to promote sciences for young people. László Csernoch, academic vice-rector of the University, pointed out that physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics are present in our everyday life. Although everybody know how gravity works, only few people examines scientific phenomena more deeply.


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